Wolfgang Wahlster was named Distinguished Fellow of the International Computer Science Institute (ICSI) at the UC Berkeley
Berkeley, March 22, 2023

Introduction to the Award Ceremony for Professor Wolfgang Wahlster at ICSI by Ray Perrault
Talk: Hybrid Language Models: From Super-Parrots to Human-Like Dialog Understanding by Wolfgang Wahlster

Glas Award

Curved Glas Award

Four AI-Pioneers at the Farewell Ceremony for Wolfgang Wahlster

Four AI Pioneers at the Farewell Ceremony for Wolfgang Wahlster f.l.t.r: Ray Perrault, Jerry Feldman, Wolfgang Wahlster, Nelson Morgan

ICSI CEO Lea Shanley and Wolfgang Wahlster

Lea Shanley, the CEO and Director of ICSI, presenting the Award

One of the Cakes

One of the Cakes for the Reception after the Talk

Photos ICSI

Several distinguished international researchers honored Wolfgang Wahlster by attending his lecture
and the award ceremony, including the following professors:
Stuart Russell (UC Berkeley, USA), Virginia Dignum (Umeå University, Sweden), Oliver Günther (University of Potsdam, Germany), Ilkka Niemelä (Aalto University, Finland) and
Gerald Friedland (UC Berkeley, USA)