Downloadable Talks Towards Software-Defined Networked Cars as Social Agents The 7th International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence, ICAART 2012, Keynote Lecture, Vilamoura, Portugal February 8, 2012 Connected Cars Create Smart Spaces (Presentation Source) The 7th International Conference on Intelligent Environments, Keynote Lecture, Nottingham, UK, July 27, 2011 Talking Products – Multimodal Interfaces to Digital Product Memories Symposium on Interaction with Smart Artifacts, Keynote Lecture, Tokyo, Japan, March 7-9, 2011 The Future of Communication Our Common Future Congress, Keynote Lecture, Hannover, Germany, November 3, 2010 Uncertainty in Lifelogging for People and Products (Presentation Source) International Conference on Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in Knowledge-Based Systems, IPMU 2010, Keynote Lecture, Dortmund, Germany, June 28, 2010 Future Spoken Dialog Systems: Multimodal, Multilingual, Multiparty, Multitask (Presentation Source) European META-NET: METAnk, Think Tank, Keynote Lecture, Berlin, Germany, June 5, 2010 The Semantic Product Memory: An Interactive Black Box for Smart Objects The 6th Extended Semantic Web Conference, Keynote Lecture, Heraklion, Greece, 30 May – 03 June 2010 Anthropomorphic Interfaces for the Internet of Things The 20th Belgian-Netherlands Conference on Artificial Intelligence, BNAIC 2008 Keynote Lecture, Enschede, the Netherlands, October 31, 2008 Semantic Product Memories: From the SmartFactory to the Intelligent Retail Store Invited Research Lecture, SIMTech, Singapore, August 5, 2008 Ambient Retail Intelligence: What’s the Deal? (Presentation Source), 3rd Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Ambient Intelligence” (AITAmI’08) at ECAI-2008, Invited Talk, Patras, Greece, 21-22 July 2008 SmartWeb: Multimodal Web Services on the Road ACM Multimedia 2007, Keynote Lecture, Augsburg, Germany, September 25, 2007 SmartWeb: Getting Answers on the Go ECAI 2006, Keynote Lecture, Riva del Garda, Italy, July 31, 2006 Overview of the Current State of the Lead Innovation VirtualHuman VirtualHuman 3rd Project Review and VHNet Meeting Madonna di Campiglio, Italy, November 30, 2005 Symmetric Multimodality for Ambient Intelligence The Third Symposium on Intelligent Human Sensing IHSS2005, Keynote Lecture, Toyohashi, Japan, March 03, 2005 SmartWeb: Towards Semantic Web Services for Ambient Intelligence International Symposium on Life-World Semantics and Digital City Design, Invited Talk, Kyoto, Japan, December 09, 2004 Ambient Intelligence: A Mega-Trend in Information Technology Collegium Budapest, Talk Presented at the Occasion of the State Visit of Chancellor Gerhard Schröder to the Republic of Hungary, Budapest, Hungary, September 15, 2004 Towards Symmetric Multimodality: Fusion and Fission of Speech, Gesture and Facial Expression 26th Annual German Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2003 (KI 2003), Invited Talk, Hamburg, Germany, September 16, 2003 Mobile Multimodal Dialogue Systems Interact 2003, Keynote Lecture, Zurich, Swiss, September 03, 2003 SmartKom: Dialog-based Human Computer Interaction by Coordinated Analysis and Generation of Multiple Modalities BMBF Status Conference “Human Computer Interaction” 2003, Berlin, Germany, June 03, 2003 SmartKom: Modality Fusion for a Mobile Companion based on Semantic Web Technologies Cyber Assist Consortium Second International Symposium, Keynote Lecture, Tokyo, Japan, March 25, 2003 Language Technologies for the Mobile Internet Era LangTech 2002, Invited Talk, Berlin, Germany, September 27, 2002 Multimodal Interfaces to Mobile Webservices Nederlands ICT-Kenniscongress 2002, Keynote Lecture, Den Haag, The Netherlands, September 05, 2002 Personalized Web Interaction Intelligent Information Processing (IIP-2002), IFIP World Computer Congress 17th Edition, Keynote Lecture, Montreal, Canada, August 29, 2002 Natural Dialogues with an Artificial Partner – Revisited Symposium: Natural Language Processing between Linguistic Inquiry and System Engineering; 60th Birthday of Walther v. Hahn, Hamburg, Germany, April 29, 2002 Dialog-based Human-Computer Interaction by Coordinated Analysis and Generation of Multiple Modalities International Status Conference, HCI, Saarbrücken, Germany, October 26, 2001 SmartKom: Multimodal Communication with a Life-like Character Eurospeech 2001, Aalborg, Sweden, September 06, 2001 Robust Translation of Spontaneous Speech: A Multi-Engine Approach IJCAI 2001, Invited Talk, Seattle, USA, August 08, 2001 Virtual Sales Agents for Electronic Commerce ACAI 2001, Invited Talk, Prague, Czech Republic July 02, 2001 SmartKom: Multimodal Dialogs with Mobile Web Users Cyber Assist International Symposium 2001, Keynote Lecture, Tokyo, Japan, March 06, 2001 Computers that read, hear and understand Brain and Communication, Invited Talk, Mainz, Germany, November 24, 2000 Virtual Sales Agent for Personalized Internet Shopping 13th Japan-Germany Forum on Information Technology, Shima-gun Mie, Japan, October 16, 2000 ACL, ECCAI and the Verbmobil/SmartKom Consortia ACL Workshop Hong Kong, October 07, 2000 ACL Presidential Address 2000 MP3 version of the ACL Rap, ACL-2000, Hong Kong, October 05, 2000 Pervasive Speech and Language Technology Dagstuhl 2000, “Informatics – 10 Years Back, 10 Years Ahead”, Saarbrücken, Germany, August 31, 2000 Generating Virtual Webpages EASSS 2000, Saarbrücken, Germany, August 16, 2000 Verbmobil: Multilingual Processing of Spontaneous Speech Verbmobil Symposium, Saarbrücken, Germany, July 30, 2000 Intelligent Multimedia Interface Agents Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2000, Acapulco, Mexico, April 11, 2000 From Speech Recognition Towards Speech Understanding Heraeus-Seminar “Speech Recognition and Speech Understanding”, Physikzentrum Bad Honnef, Germany, April 5, 2000 Generating Virtual Webpages Dagstuhl Seminar “Semantics for the Web”, Dagstuhl, Germany, March 22, 2000 Multilingual Processing of Spontaneous Speech Münchner Kreis, “User-friendly Communication Systems”, Invited Talk, Munich, Germany, June 17, 1999 Deep Processing of Shallow Structures The Robust Integration of Speech, Language and Translation Technology for Intelligent Interface Agents EACL’99, 9th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Keynote Lecture, Bergen, Norway, June 10, 1999 Personalized Interface Agents for Virtual Webpages Agents 99, Third International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Invited Talk, Seattle, USA, May 3, 1999 Agent-based Multimedia Interaction for Virtual Web Pages IUI99, International Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces, Keynote Lecture, Los Angeles, USA, January 6, 1999 Towards Personalized and Intuitive IST IST ’98 Workshop, “The Language of Business – the Business of Language”, Vienna, Austria, December 2, 1998